
 令和3年7月25日(日)から28日(水)に南アフリカ・プレトリア大学によりzoomオンライン開催された、15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamicsにおいて、理工学研究科生産環境工学専攻機械工学コースの松浦一雄准教授が、Best paper賞を受賞しました。受賞した研究のテーマは航空機のジェットエンジンにおけるタービン内部圧縮性翼列流れです。



Kazuo Matsuura
Numerical Evaluation of the Regions of High Energy Dissipation for Different Free-Stream Turbulence in Transitional Low-Pressure Turbine Flows

松浦 准教授


Dr. Kazuo Matsuura won the best paper award at the 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ATE-HEFAT2021), organized online by Prof. JP Meyer, University of Pretoria, South Africa, from 25th till 28th July 2021. The topic of the awarded paper was the compressible thermo-fluid flows of a jet engine cascade.

So far, the energy dissipation function, which represents irreversible increase in entropy, has been used to quantify decrease in blade row efficiency. However, the contributions of rotational and irrotational motions were not separable in the original formulation. Dr. Matsuura proposed a new formulation for evaluating the energy dissipation function based on the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition, applied it to the unsteady flow fields of stator-rotor interaction reproduced by high-resolution Navier-Stokes simulations, and solved the above problem.

The computations were conducted using the supercomputer systems of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA-JSS3).