
The Mathematics and Computer Science Program, from Mathematics/Data Science to Computer Science, aims to contribute to the development of academia, industry and society by educating professionals who will support modern technology and pioneer future knowledge through their studies and research activities that theoretically explore the phenomena inherent in mathematics/computer science. They will explore these fields as a basic science that provides a foundation for other fields, or as an advanced tool for application. This program educates motivated students with a spirit of scientific inquiry through a well-balanced curriculum ranging from advanced theory in various fields of mathematics to applied mathematics, data science and computer science. It fosters problem-seeking and problem-solving skills that enable them to conduct research and development activities independently. The purpose of this program is to contribute to society by developing and preparing science and engineering professionals with advanced knowledge, skills, personal values, a broad perspective and a new sense of values who can work creatively and cooperatively on the regional and global stages.

Mathematics and Computer Science

矢印アイコン Faculty Members

Mathematics and
Computer Science

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