Important | This website contains the contents of the graduate school reorganization in 2023. Please see here for the contents of the curriculum before 2022. |
Notice2024.3.8Call for applications in Master/Doctoral Programs for April 2025 and September 2025
admission of international students at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering. -
Notice2024.2.8Call for applications in Master/Doctoral Programs for September 2024 admission of Special
Graduate Program on Disaster Mitigation Study for Asian students at the Graduate School of
Science and Engineering. -
Notice2023.4.1The Graduate School of Science and Engineering has been reorganized in April 2023.
We have redesigned this website to include information about our new graduate school. -
Notice2023.9.8Cutting-edge research infinity: Developing a computer that understands human language
Notice2023.8.2Cutting-edge research infinity: Mathematical analysis of “flow”
Notice2023.7.11Cutting-edge research infinity: Elucidation of Space Plasma Explosion Phenomena
〒790-8577 愛媛県松⼭市⽂京町3番(中央図書館1階:理工学研究科チーム)
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Team
3, Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, 790-8577
TEL: 089-927-8926